When looking into the different types of reward credit cards, it is important for you to understand that there are a wide variety of reward credit cards to choose from. The type of reward credit card that is right for you is largely dependent on your own personal lifestyle and needs.
Airline Miles Reward Credit Cards
Airline miles reward credit cards are usually offered in partnership with a credit card company and an airline company. There are, however, some airline miles reward credit cards that have partnerships with multiple airline companies. Regardless of how the partnerships work with the credit card, the basic idea is the same.
Airline miles reward credit cards allow you to earn points or miles for every dollar spent with your card. In addition, many of these cards provide you with bonus miles for spending money at certain stores or on specific types of purchases. Most commonly, bonus points or miles are earned when making purchases through the applicable airline.
After earning a certain number of points or miles, you can then trade them in for free or reduced air travel with the applicable airline. With some airline miles reward credit cards, you might get to choose from a number of airlines. With other cards, you might only get to receive free travel from a specific airline. Therefore, it is important to choose your airline miles reward credit card in accordance with your preferred airline.
Some airline rewards credit cards also allow you to combine your credit card miles with frequent flyer miles. Often, it takes several credit card points to equal one mile in the frequent flyer program. So, you want to check into the conversion factor before you take advantage of this aspect of the program.
Airline miles reward credit cards also often offer other special rewards. For example, some provide free upgrades or companion tickets. In addition, they generally provide more travel related benefits then other credit cards, such as a higher amount of travel insurance coverage.
Cash Back Reward Credit Cards
Cash back reward credit cards are similar to airline reward credit cards, except the points you accumulate work toward providing you with monetary rewards. Sometimes, a point system isn't used with cash back reward credit cards. Instead, you receive a certain percentage of your spending back. Just like airline miles reward credit cards, cash back reward credit cards may provide extra points or higher percentages to for certain purchases. For example, some provide more rewards for purchases made at grocery stores or drug stores.
The way you receive the cash back varies from card to card as well. Some cash back reward credit cards provide you with a check after you have earned back a certain amount of money. Others add your cash back directly to your credit card and help you pay off your balance. Still other cards may put the money into special savings accounts or interest-yielding accounts, such as college-savings plans or special accounts for purchasing a car.
Miscellaneous Reward Credit Cards
In addition to airline mile and cash back reward credit cards, there are also a number of other plans associated with these cards. Again, they generally involve accumulating points in order to earn rewards. With some reward credit cards, these points can be traded in for things such as gift certificates to stores, restaurants, or service providers. Some even have catalogues of items you can purchase with your rewards points. Yet others allow you to choose form cash, airline miles, or other types of rewards. These are generally the best reward credit cards because of their variety and flexibility. But, ultimately, it is up to you which type of reward credit cards is best for you.
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